IMG 1407


Rules for au pairs and host families. In most countries there are specific rules for au pairs and their host families. Both au pairs and families are obliged to comply with those requirements.

There are certain rules and requirements in the au pair program, that a host family must live up to, if an au pair should be approved. 

It is important to understand that cultural exchange is the primary purpose of the au pair program, and that the work itself is merely something related. An au pair must have pocket money, have free food and accommodation during their stay, and must be treated like any other person in the home.

As an au pair agency, we quickly ensure at the beginning of the process that both parties, in our opinion, comply with the rules.

It is always the Authorities in the current country, that determines an approval, and therefore we cannot guarantee an approval, as they have access to information that we do not have. But of course, our success criterion will always be an approval. Therefore, we also promise that if an au pair is not approved, we will find a new au pair free and free (ex. Expenses for litigation, insurance etc.) and we will remain until there is an au pair in your home.

IMG 5859

Rules and requirements for the au pair (Scandinavia)

  • Between 18 and 30 years in order to participate in the au pair program. 
  • Au pair must work a certain amount of hours daily, and is entitled to a minimum of day(s) off weekly. However, some choose to spend more than one day off a week. In addition, all national holidays are also day off in most European countries. They are entitled to have weeks of for vacation as well yearly, and holidays must be agreed in advance in writing.
  • In addition to diet and accommodation, the au pair must receive a minimum monthly allowance.     
  • You cannot be married
  • You cannot have children
IMG 7258

Rules and requirements for the family (Scandinavia)

  • Family with at least 1 parent and at least 1 child under 18 years of age
  • One of the parents must have national citizenship or European citizen
  • Self-sufficient -not provided by the state
  • Offer free diet and lodging, pay the minimum wage / pocket allowance rate each month, and offer the au pair own room approved for housing
  • Paid insurance for the au pair (litigation, accident, travel) depending on the country for non -EU au pairs
  • Return ticket (Non- EU au pairs)
  • Requiring a written contract between the au pair and the host family
  • The termination is also mutual and must be terminated in writing                                                

We help to ensure that all requirements are met by both parties when we start up. Not all requirements can be mentioned here,          

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