Graduation time & future
June 29th 2020
These days we see in Denmark all the newly hatched students celebrate that the cap is in house. And this year, most people have probably enjoyed it a lot, because it was not possible to drive a student drive and visit mom and dad. But it succeeded, and it must then be celebrated. Around the corner, a new chapter awaits after the summer holidays for most students. And whether you start out in a new education, have been apprenticed or have taken a sabbatical, summer should be enjoyed first.
There are several who have applied to come abroad as an au pair, and we have had many good placements with families looking forward to inviting a Danish au pair into their family for August / September. For example, we have found a family outside Venice for a Danish girl. And there are several matches on the way in Italy and Spain. There are also some who have already said that they are interested in coming to London later this year. We have also seen an interest in Australia, and right now we are awaiting a decision from the Australian Government regarding the opening of the country for au pairs.
In addition, we also have locations in the United States. And here's the challenge right now that President Trump and the US government have suspended the au pair scheme until New Year's. However, at 30-60 day intervals they will go in and actively look for more openings. But, as has been the case in Denmark, it is about managing the infection pressure.
Of course, it is frustrating not being able to get all the placements through from here, as we know that both families and au pairs are very excited to meet. But when I talk to the agencies I work with, they are all both confident and working on high pressure to do what they can to make everything successful. But that's not all things we can do about it. But we try ... And we have to believe in the projects we put in the lake and try to sail them safely in port. We also do this going forward. And therefore our ambition is that whatever is possible, we do something about now. And all that can be done later, we take care of that whenever possible.
And in the meantime, we must be positive, and rejoice in the adventures that await the au pairs, who can soon pack the suitcase and get off. We hope that they will share their experiences with us and pass them on to other future au pairs.
But before then we and they will enjoy the hat, all the parties and hopefully a nice warm and sunny summer in Denmark.