Travelling abroad
Check out your gap year options
Are you ready to explore the world? Head to Australia and work in a hotel or on a farm in the Australian outback. You can also travel to the US or UK for an internship or traineeship.
The options are many, and we don’t just offer you to go as an au pair. You can work and travel around Australia. Included is not just an arrival week, but a complete package with job opportunities, travel, 24/7 support and everything else you need. Choose your job option before you leave and your job will be secured before you leave. Our experienced team is ready to provide comprehensive support throughout your time in Australia and can provide tailored recommendations and insider knowledge on accommodation, travel and jobs. At the arrival orientation, the team will guide you through tax, work and living in Australia, a team who have travelled all over Australia themselves. We work with employers across Australia who offer a wide range of jobs.
One of our package options is a Pre-placement, where you commit to a 6-month job, particularly suitable for those with experience in the hotel, restaurant or hospitality industry. By locking in your job in advance, you can start earning money as soon as you land!
If you prefer to arrange your job after arrival, our job desk offers:
Free CV and cover letter check
One-to-one consultations
Job offers and placement
Agency introductions – for specific industry work
Membership of WhatsApp group
Job-related course bookings
Help with applying for a tax case number
General job advice
A combination package is the perfect solution for those who want a fully immersive cultural exchange experience. Volunteer on a farm, work with horses, become an au pair in the outback or downtown Sydney, or start your Australian experience with a week at an iconic surf camp. Contact us for more information.
Application fee 1.500,- DKK / Match 3.000,- DKK
Contact us to find out more about the opportunities we can help you with during your gap year.

The OUTBACKS of Australia...
If you are into farming, animals and new adventures, then you should choose to go out and experience the outbacks.
Live with a family either as a farmer or as an au pair.
Our programs last from 4 to 12 months, so great opportunities to fill your gap year with lots of excitement, cool experiences and not least learning. The opportunity to take on multiple jobs over a longer period gives you the opportunity to build experience in different environments and sectors. Visas can be extended for up to 3 years. A dedicated professional staff is ready with backup and support services to help you get the most out of working in Australia. You can choose to focus on one area, or you can be flexible and experience a wide range of opportunities.
General FARM WORK - is a path to new skills and experiences for people who are new to agricultural work. Farmwork in Australia offers the opportunity to work in and experience a new and unique environment.
There is a wide range of work available, the pay is good, the scale of the landscape is both beautiful and breathtaking.
Have an adventure, to earn and save, to add variety to your CV, or simply to experience and learn about something else, farming has a huge amount to offer you.
Be warned; this can be hard work in a sometimes harsh environment. Be prepared to work hard and to be physically and mentally challenged as you adapt to this new type of life. Face these challenges with a positive attitude and you will never regret taking this opportunity.
AGRICULTURAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT - the path to developing your farming career. Australia offers opportunities in a wide range of agricultural sectors. Our methods are sophisticated, up-to-date and often very large. You can add perspective to your education, training, skills and practical experience. You will learn to stand on your own two feet in a safe new country. You can expect to develop personally and professionally.
This pathway is for you if you have a level of relevant education, training, skills and work experience and are planning to develop a career in this field. You can indicate the skills you wish to achieve when you apply.
Equine and Equestrian - to develop your skills and passion. Australia has a very strong and skilled horse industry, and is a much-loved pastime for hundreds of thousands of people. Whether it is racing, riding, betting, show jumping, dressage, cross country, polo or polocrosse, breeding, showing cattle on cattle stations or simply hobby riding at home.
Working with horses is most often land work, but for skilled and keen riders there are opportunities to ride and develop new skills.
Applicationfee DKK 1.500,- DKK/ Match fee when contract and visa 3.000,- DKK
Agency fee in Australia approx. 15.000,- (depending on course and currency rates)